
Word Clouds

This is a word cloud I created using Wordle. Wordle is a fantastic tool for teachers. Using it is very simple and it allows us to make fabulous-looking word clouds in just a few minutes. They have many uses. One of them is to create stories. As a teacher, one can give students a word cloud and ask them to make up a story using those ideas. 

Wordle: IT


  1. I like it! And I agree with you, it's great to create stories (though honestly, I've never used it, I should try). I was thinking that students could make their own wordles, with a story in mind, and then interchange them and write their classmate's story. This way, students get to use the tool to put into words what they have in mind. It is also good to help students become aware of the different elements in a story: setting, characters, etc.

  2. Flor, I think your Wordle is very good! And I also like Laura's idea for using Wordle. What comes to mind is to use it as an ice-breaker at the beginning of the year for each student to introduce themselves. Alternatively, they could use it at the end of each unit to show what they have learned or studied.

  3. I didn't know about Wordle! It's really interesting, as Laura said, to create stories. Moreover, Aldana's idea of using it at the end of a unit to revise the words students have learned is great!
